is a proven enterprise software solution providing television organizations with robust and integrated channel and sales management support they need in order to increase the productivity of daily operations and to gain strategic insight into their business processes. By using PROVYS TVoffice, the organization receives a reliable and flexible platform for exchange of information amongst all professions running the station.


PROVYS TVoffice software solution for station management consists of several proven functional modules covering complete business processes of a television organization. By using PROVYS TVoffice you can manage valuable assets of your stations and your broadcasting processes better.

As such, it has a great ability to assist all people in the organization with their daily tasks and management decisions. It can satisfy, thanks to its optimized end-user applications, all their expectation and needs trough its information sharing functions.


PROVYS Sales is an air-time sales software solution for broadcasters and media representative agencies supporting both spot and GRP based sales operations.

The system covers a wide range of activities from filling an order with automatic calculation of price according to price list or CPP, price modifiers and rebates, trough finalization of commercial breaks for broadcasting, to the import of rating and final invoicing and reporting.